Essay "Energy Crisis" with outlines for F.a & B.a classes students
Standard Essay for All students.
Electric energy is of utmost importance for the survival of modern life. The prosperity of a country is directly linked with the supply of energy. Electricity is needed in every sector of modern life. The working of railways, trade centres and business depend on electricity. Without electricity our industries and forms will stop production. Our houses, Schools, trade centres and universities will turn into grave yards. It is unfortunate that the production of such a vital thing is insufficient in ........(country name). The production of electricity if far less than the needs of forms, industries and mills. The population of our country is growing at very rapid rate. The production of electricity is far less to meet the requirements of the new generation. The result is that we have to resot to load shedding in the country.
The load shedding has affected our country badly. It has disturbed our economic, social and cultural life badly. The industries and business come to a halt, during the prolonged hours of load shedding. The hospital and medical educational centres suffer a lot. The business centres have plunged into darkness. The traffic on roads is disturbed badly. Every thing suffers a lot. The whole streams of life is stopped. Such a thing is not possible if we have sufficient supply of electricity.
We do not have enough energy due to following reasons:
We generate electricity from, water, coal, gas and oil. Water is the cheapest source of producing energy. But we have failed to build more dams to produce energy. If we succeeded to create more dams we were not suffer.
The electricity generated by coal, oil and gas is very costly and is called thermal power. The setting up of thermal power stations is highly expensive for the developing country like ours. It is not affordable for the consumer. It is not suitable for competitive industry of the country.
We can produce electricity by nuclear energy. Nuclear power stations are not easy to set up. Nuclear creators are very costly. The western countries utilize them as a major source of power. In France 80% electricity is produced by nuclear creators. But this is not possible in our country.
We also suffer from energy crisis due to the following reasons:-
The demand for electricity increases due to the electrification of villages. The new housing colonies also need electricity for domestic use. It has increases the demand of electricity. The use of electricity increases in summer. Most of the people use air conditions in summer. That is why we are facing electricity crisis. The measures to save energy have badly failed. As we are all know that all the light in streets, houses and public places are on, at night.
We can fight against energy by adopting the following methods:-
The generation of electricity can be building more dams. So we should build more dams to over come the the crisis of load shedding. Nuclear energy should be used as a major source of energy. The Government should undertake research to find ways and means to generate more power by cheap sources.
All the shops should be closed after 8 o'clock. All the marriages should be held during day time In this way, we can save energy.
- The prosperity of a country is directly linked with the supply of energy.
- The load shedding has affected our country badly. It has disturbed our social , economic and cultural life badly.
- We do not have enough energy due to the following reasons:
i. Failure to build more dams.
ii. Failure to create energy by means of nuclear creators.
iii. Demand is more than supply. - We also suffer from energy crisis due to the following reasons.
- We can fight against energy by adopting the following measures:
i. We should build more dams
ii. We must use electricity economically in our houses and public places.
Electric energy is of utmost importance for the survival of modern life. The prosperity of a country is directly linked with the supply of energy. Electricity is needed in every sector of modern life. The working of railways, trade centres and business depend on electricity. Without electricity our industries and forms will stop production. Our houses, Schools, trade centres and universities will turn into grave yards. It is unfortunate that the production of such a vital thing is insufficient in ........(country name). The production of electricity if far less than the needs of forms, industries and mills. The population of our country is growing at very rapid rate. The production of electricity is far less to meet the requirements of the new generation. The result is that we have to resot to load shedding in the country.
The load shedding has affected our country badly. It has disturbed our economic, social and cultural life badly. The industries and business come to a halt, during the prolonged hours of load shedding. The hospital and medical educational centres suffer a lot. The business centres have plunged into darkness. The traffic on roads is disturbed badly. Every thing suffers a lot. The whole streams of life is stopped. Such a thing is not possible if we have sufficient supply of electricity.
We do not have enough energy due to following reasons:
We generate electricity from, water, coal, gas and oil. Water is the cheapest source of producing energy. But we have failed to build more dams to produce energy. If we succeeded to create more dams we were not suffer.
The electricity generated by coal, oil and gas is very costly and is called thermal power. The setting up of thermal power stations is highly expensive for the developing country like ours. It is not affordable for the consumer. It is not suitable for competitive industry of the country.
We can produce electricity by nuclear energy. Nuclear power stations are not easy to set up. Nuclear creators are very costly. The western countries utilize them as a major source of power. In France 80% electricity is produced by nuclear creators. But this is not possible in our country.
We also suffer from energy crisis due to the following reasons:-
The demand for electricity increases due to the electrification of villages. The new housing colonies also need electricity for domestic use. It has increases the demand of electricity. The use of electricity increases in summer. Most of the people use air conditions in summer. That is why we are facing electricity crisis. The measures to save energy have badly failed. As we are all know that all the light in streets, houses and public places are on, at night.
We can fight against energy by adopting the following methods:-
The generation of electricity can be building more dams. So we should build more dams to over come the the crisis of load shedding. Nuclear energy should be used as a major source of energy. The Government should undertake research to find ways and means to generate more power by cheap sources.
All the shops should be closed after 8 o'clock. All the marriages should be held during day time In this way, we can save energy.