
Showing posts from February 16, 2014

Idiom: To carry on Meanings

Idiom: To call to account Meanings

Idiom: To call off Meanings

Idiom: To call in Meanings

Idiom: To bury the hatchet Meanings

Idiom: To bring to book Meanings

Idiom: To break the ice Meanings

Idiom: To blow one's own trumpet Meanings

Idiom: To beat about the bush Meanings

Idiom: To bear out Meanings

Idiom: To be out of sorts, Meanings

Idiom: To be at daggers drawn Meanings

Idiom: To be all ears Meanings

Idiom: To back out Meanings

Idiom: To account for Meanings

Idiom: Through thick and thin Meanings

Idiom: Through and through Meanings

Idiom: The writing on the wall Meanings

Idiom: The man in the street Meanings

Idiom: The long and short Meanings

Idiom: The lion's share Meanings

Idiom: Pick up the threads Meanings

Idiom: Null and Void Meanings

Idiom: On the anvil Meanings

Idiom: Off and on Meanings

Idiom: Neck and neck Meanings

Idiom: In the wake of Meanings

Idiom: In the teeth of Meanings

Idiom: In a fix Meanings

Idiom: Hard and fast Meanings

Idiom: Hair's breadth Meanings

Idiom: Give-and-take Meanings

Idiom: French leave Meanings

Idiom: Foot-loose and fancy-free Meanings

Idiom: By fits and starts Meanings

Idiom: Blue blood Meanings

Idiom: Bad blood Meanings

Idiom: Back date Meanings

Idiom: At loggerheads Meanings

Idiom: At cross purposes

Idiom: An amazon

Idiom: A tower of strength

Idiom: A snake in the grass

Idiom: A self-made man

Idiom: A rainy day

Idiom: A passing fancy

Idiom: A maiden speech

Idiom: A Freudian slip

Idiom: A dog's life

Idiom: A child's play

Idiom: A casting vote

Idiom: A blue-eyed boy

Idiom: A blessing in disguise

Idiom: A bird's eye view

Idiom: A laughing stock

Idiom: A laconic speech

Idiom: Cold comfort

Idiom: A brown study

Idiom: A kettle of fish

Idiom: A stalking horse

Idiom: A blind alley

Idiom: A chapter of accidents

Idiom: An iron hand

Idiom: A queer fish

Idiom: Square deal

Idiom: Oily tongue

Idiom: Royal road

Idiom: Last straw

Idiom: A drug on the market

Idiom: A feather in one's cap

Idiom: On pins and needles

Idiom: A skeleton in the cupboard

Idiom: At the end of one's tether

Idiom: The corner-stone

Idiom: A brain wave

Idiom: Flesh and blood

Idiom: Out at elbows

Idiom: On the anvil

Idiom: In full swing

Idiom: Herculean task

Idiom: Damocles' sword

Idiom: Beneath one's dignity

Idiom: A bed of roses

Idiom: At one's beck and call

Idiom: A round peg in a square hole

Idiom: At one's finger's end

Idiom: A jack of all trades

Idiom: All moonshine

Idiom: A hard pill to swallow

Idiom: A fair weather-friend

Idiom: A bolt from the blue

Idiom: Above board

Idiom: A bone of contention

Idiom: Live-wire

Idiom: Mix blessing

Idiom: Time-server

Idiom: Against time

Idiom: A puffed pipe

Idiom: Blue-stocking

Idiom: A hat-trick

Idiom: Baby-boom

Idiom: Once in a blue moon

Idiom: Under cover of

Idiom: A sugar daddy

Idiom: Hand to mouth

Idiom: In a hot soup

Idiom: A stumbling block

Idiom: A close shave

Idiom: A fool's errand

Idiom: Armed to the teeth

Idiom: Hand in glove with

Idiom: After one's own heart

Idiom: A hair's breadth

Idiom: Head over heals

Idiom: Under a cloud

Idiom: In one's good books

Idiom: A black sheep

Idiom: A maiden speech

Idiom: A red letter day

Idiom: A white elephant

Idiom: A wet blanket

Idiom: Finishing-touches

Idiom: In so far as

Idiom: So to say

Idiom: Break-through

Idiom: Hue and cry

Idiom: Plain sailing

Idiom: Cheek by jowl

Idiom: At cross purposes

Idiom: On the horns of dilemma

Idiom: Apple of one's eyes

Idiom: In apple-pie order

Idiom: A fish out of water

Idiom: A turn-coat

Idiom: A red rag to the bull

Idiom: A dark horse

Idiom: Neck or nothing

Idiom: By the sweat of one's brow

Idiom: Over head and ears

Idiom: In the wake of

Idiom: In the offing

Idiom: In the teeth of

Idiom: With a grain of salt

Idiom: A fly in the ointment

Idiom: A wild goose chase

Idiom: A storm in the tea cup

Idiom: A house of cards

Idiom: A walk over

Idiom: A gift of the gab

Idiom: A fool's paradise

Idiom: A far cry

Idiom: A broken reed

Translation: Mosquitoes are a menace.

Translation: He has indigestion.

Translation: I am felling feverish.

Translation: Now a days fever is raging violently and the doctors are minting money.

Translation: His eyes are sore and watering.

Translation: He often has constipation.

Translation: He is lame in one leg/foot.

Translation: He is blind in on eye.

Translation: I have hurt my big toe.

Translation: Take quinine thrice after the fever is down.

Translation: This article is selling at throw-away price.

Translation: This rice of an inferior quality.

Translation: Just hold my cycle.

Translation: This shoe is very tight.

Translation: I had a sound sleep last night.